This modern, family house by the sea had only recently been completed when I was asked to design a planting scheme for the garden.

The planting is of grasses and perennials in a palette of soft blues and lilacs with patches of hotter oranges and reds. It is framed and divided by evergreen hedges of different heights and widths. The walls are painted white with some panels of sage green and grey-blue, creating a perfect foil for the Olive and Holly trees and Phormiums,which give height and when lit at night,add a dramatic silhouette.

There is an underplanting of Tulips, Narcissi and Muscari which, when viewed from the first floor reception rooms, is like a colourful Spring carpet of flowers.

The planting scheme, the choice of contemporary containers and garden furniture is fresh and modern and reflects the architecture of the house and the style and attitude of the clients.